Monday 10 July 2017

Notions About Slimming Down

The captivating thing about diets is that you don't get what is researched or predicted or calculated but rather, you get precisely what you expect. If the diet resonates with you then it will likely work, if it doesn't resonate, it won't. Pick the one diet that matches your expectations best and you'll succeed and get what you desire -- or lose, for that matter. 

On a lot of diets, you're not eating the way you'll eat for the remainder of your life. You consume foods you might not like a great deal and don't find comforting. If you're determined enough, you stick with it till you reach your goal. But you know this is "just for the diet" instead of finding healthier foods you like in amounts that don't induce weight gain. 

The very word "diet" is depressive to many of us. We consider giving up foods that are satisfying and enjoyable. We consider sitting a party with celery sticks while other people are eating the crab puffs. We might even stop socializing as food is a big part of how we interact with acquaintances and loved ones. We feel stripped, alienated and alone, except for others who are dieting. Finally we give up and enter back into the world of happy unrestrained eating, carrying damaging feelings toward healthier "diet foods." 

If you don't exercise then you fall off of the diet, the weight will come back on even quicker, as your body is burning fewer calories per day. Even worse, the weight will return on as fat instead of as the muscle you lost. Your body will look even less lean and healthy. Your opening move to improve your health and appearance is to start daily exercise. The exercise doesn't have to be intense -- pick actions you like such as walking, biking, or swimming. Get your body going most days of the week. 

You have to eat fewer calories than you burn in a day if you would like to slim down. You can do that by eating fewer calories than you need, or by exercising more, or both. 

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